Modulated reverb with extra-long decay fed to a highly resonant filter. The top3 controls affect the character of the reverb, with Freq controlling the frequency of the resonant low pass filter, which is set just on the verge of oscillation and is really the heart of the Transmisser. This control can also be adjusted with an expression control on the right. The 3 bottom controls affect how the reverb processor behaves. Rate controls the speed of the system-wide modulation in a narrow range that creates a sound far more unique than a simple modulated reverb, and it also modulates the Freq and Darkness within a small range that is dependent on where the Warp control is set. Warp is a total system slew control, as you turn this control counter clockwise the filter becomes deeper and more resonant, the decay becomes longer and warmer, the modulation grows wider and the whole system becomes mellow and chill. The Transmisser has a fully analog dry signal path, fully digital reverberation path and electronic relay based true-bypass switching.
Terrif Code: 92099400