Traditional instruments from Africa (10)

Agogo (6)

Aplhorns (1)

Bass drums (18)

Buffalo horn (1)

Drum heads, Drumsticks and other accessories (57)

Darabuka (3)

Didgeridoo's and accessories (125)

Djembes and accessories (112)

Healing Music (29)

Sets of exotic instruments (3)

Gopichand (2)

Flutes (66)

Handpans (30)

Cajon pad (1)

Kalimbas (11)

Kamballa djembes didgeridoo and other exotic instruments (32)

Kazoo (1)

KOSHI chimes (2)

Raintree (20)

Tuneable percussion Hangam Majid (1)

Ocean drum (4)

Panpipe flutes, Ocarinas (26)

Thunder (7)

REMO exotic instruments (1)

Shamanic Music (38)

Shakers, Maracas and other instruments (149)

Singing Bowl (134)

Special instruments (3)

Strings for Zither (656)

Tabla drum (1)

Traditional Gongs (28)

Ethno (6)

Water drums (4)

Urdu drums (3)

Jew's harp (52)

Tankdrums (7)

Bells (42)