Ultimate Dynamics Effects Pedal
Whether it’s a million-dollar hook or a soul-wrenching solo, some licks are just begging for some undivided attention from the COMPRESSOR/ SUSTAINER CS400. By pumping up quieter notes and bringing down the louder ones, this little magic box packages your sound into one velvety-smooth and consistent volume. With the CS400 in your pedalboard – you’ll enjoy virtually-endless sustain and ultra-stable dynamics!
What is a Compressor?
Dynamics play an important role in music; they help to convey emotion, whether it’s a sweet and sultry blues solo – or the relentless gallop of molten metal. But uncontrolled dynamics can take all your best intentions and turn them into so much… well… mush. That’s where compression comes to the rescue – softening loud sounds, and boosting low signal levels that often get lost in the mix. So the primary function of a compressor is to make every note the same volume level. The resulting compressed signal creates a much more dense, impactful sound, with richness and room for your subtle nuances coming through – like never before.