Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Mandolin F-2 Premium Sunburst

Solid Spruce top, F-holes Back and sides flamed Maple Fingerboard with binding, 24 nickel silver frets Snowflake inlays Bridge height-adjustable

Mandolin F-1 Select Sunburst

Spruce top, F-holes Back and sides Maple Fingerboard with binding, 24 nickel silver frets Snowflake inlays Bridge height-adjustable Triple top

Mandola Pro Natura Silver

Not subject to CITES Flat mandola – Portuguese shape Solid Spruce top, inlaid wooden plate Back and sides Walnut Maple

Flat mandolin Pro Natura Silver

Not subject to CITES Flat mandolin – Portuguese Shape Solid Spruce top, inlaid wooden plate Back and sides Walnut Arched

Mandolin A-Antique Open Pore Vintage

Solid Spruce top, F-holes Back & sides Maple, flamed back Maple neck, fingerboard with multiple binding, 20 nickel silver frets

Mandolin A-2 Premium Sunburst

Solid Spruce top, F-holes Back and sides flamed Maple Fingerboard with binding, 20 nickel silver frets Snowflake inlays Bridge height-adjustable


Not subject to CITES Flat mandola – Portuguese shape Solid spruce top, inserted wooden board Solid Maple back, maple rib

Flat mandolin Model 2

Not subject to CITES Flat mandolin – Portuguese Shape Solid spruce top, inlaid wooden pickguard Maple neck, hardwood fingerboard, 17

Flat mandolin Model 1

Not subject to CITES Flat mandolin – Portuguese Shape Solid Spruce top, inlaid wooden plate Solid 7-part Maple back sides

Mandolin A-1 Select Sunburst

Spruce top, F-holes Back and sides Mahogany Mahogany neck, Rosewood fingerboard with binding, 20 frets Magnetic pickup, volume and tone

Mandolin A-1 Select Sunburst

Spruce top, F-holes Back and sides Maple, black Rosewood fingerboard with binding, 20 nickel silver frets Rosewood bridge, adjustable height